Saturday, November 9, 2019

Computerized Enrollment System Essay

Today, the progress of institutions is largely determined by the ability to make use of computer technology. Computerization is a conclusive evidence of the advancement in science and technology which task is to maximize its purpose, primarily in education. The converting of manual to automated system is one best alternative to carry out manually workloads such as keeping records, computations, and retrieving information in the shortest possible. In the global village of the new economy, larger automation companies have little option- they must find more ways and means to expand worldwide. To do this they need to minimize domination of the central corporate culture, and maximize responsiveness to local customer needs. And thus, utilizing a computerized system can be simple change like providing production workers for greater freedom of movement in performing their task (http:/ In Bataan Polytechnic State College, the college-wide computerized enrollment system was implemented. Last October 2005, they put into operation the college –wide enrollment system for the first semester of the academic year 2005-2006. Applying the results and data generated by the administration, the college was able to remedy usual problems during admissions and enrollments such as the tendency to overlook procedures, confusion among the students on proper enrollment steps, and the inconsistency of the information generated and submitted to various offices within and outside the BPST. Furthermore, the college was able to triple the number of students served each day during the enrollment period. This made the operation faster, more accurate and efficient. ( Tagum Doctors College (TDC) of Tagum City a private institution of learning is dedicated to the quality of education of the youth to preserve and enrich the life of all Filipino heritages. Its current enrollment process is totally paper-based. Their enrollment process was the result of disconnected accounting, cashiering, and student records systems.  This led to staff manually calculating individual fees. Additionally, the staff could not accommodate the expanding student population. Faced with these manual, disconnected processes, Tagum Doctors College wanted to simplify student enrolment with a self-service system that automatically generated payment amounts by centralizing all student, course, and accounting details. In this connection, the researchers intend to unload their agonies by creating a computerized enrollment system. Statements of the Problem After the preliminary investigation to the institution of Tagum Doctors College, the researchers encountered the following problems. 1. Difficulty in retrieving records of the students 2. Feasible errors in computing students’ accounts 3. Complexity in tracing the records of current enrolled students 4. Delayed in processing a report 5. Difficult to identify the rooms and teacher on its subject and 6. There is a conflict arise in making manual students class schedule. Objectives of the Study This study aimed to satisfy its main objective of developing an automated enrollment system that will support one of the operations of Tagum Doctors’ College. Along with this general objective, this also aimed to satisfy the following objectives: 1. To access easily in retrieving record of the students; 2. To establish errors free in computing Students Accounts; 3. To trace easily outline record of the currently enrolled students; 4. To automatically generate accurate reports; 5. To identify the room and teacher on its subject; 6. To lessen conflict that arises in making students class schedule; Scope and Limitation The researcher designed this study to the institution of Tagum Doctor’s College to serve the administration to have accurate processing during enrollment period. This study designed a client/server system that shall cover the process in the registrar’s office, Dean’s office and Cashier’s office. The System caters the following: a) The Student’s information must have encoded into the system to search easily, to give/provide a back-up files for the students. b) For the cashier, the system can compute the total assessment of the student including the miscellaneous fees etc. it also automatic deduct the payment of the student if they fully paid before the examination period and the remaining balance. c) The system can provide automatically a student class schedule. For the transferee and irregular student, the system can schedule their subjects. In addition, it can edit one-by-one the subject codes, time schedule if the student wants to change their schedule. d) Automatic generate the student’s number, receipt number and arrange the report what the user’s need. e) The system can also view the grades of the students. f) Can print out hard copy for the important means such as lists of students, subject codes, time schedule and the assigned teachers. Significance of the Study This proposed Computerized Enrollment System is relevant and beneficial to the college in away that the process in keeping data’s, cashiering and making reports becomes more consistent. In addition, it would be easier and would be lessen the workload of the involved offices. It would also help the school administration to manage and transact with other schools. The registrar’s office would handle the student assessment accurate. It also eases for the student’s transaction. Furthermore, the adoption of this system would provide data security which reliable on every transactions. The following persons can benefits this study: Cashier. These systems will the school cashier in computing the total  assessment of the students and other miscellaneous fees accurate and clear Dean. This system will help the Dean in keeping all the transactions regarding the student’s records, organized and manage all the transactions accurate and safety. Faculty. This system will help the faculty minimal their work load during enrollment period. It gives an easier way of identifying their assigned subject. Registrar. This system will help them in keeping the student’s records orderly and safely. School Administration. This system will help them to manage and organize the time schedule in handling the transaction. Student. This system will also help ease the students in updating their subjects available and other transactions easier and faster. It will also provide the students to view their grades. Review of Related Literature The Review of Related Literature represents the mention principles, ideas, concept, theories, facts and views regarding the relevant variables of aspects as gathered from different books scrutinized by the researchers and searched from the internet Today, the trend of technology speeding up very rapidly, automation was developing as a result advanced in the design of machine. Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies including today’s global economy and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Most early machine was design to operate under a specific set of condition, when this condition change manual adjustment was necessary to assure proper operation. This was not a major shortcoming, since the machines operated at relatively slow speeds. It was quickly recognized as valuable to assure efficiency and accuracy and manufacturing process. The term operation refers to a wide variety of system and processes that operate with little or no human intervention. In the most modern information system, control is exercise by the system itself through control devices that sense changes in such condition as temperature, rate of flow to make adjustment to compensate these changes. The development of digital computer, which can monitor external condition and make an appropriate adjustment to the system, added farther impetus to the application of automation. It trices to increase understanding of the ways  in which information is generated, stored made available, and used. In the practical sense it undertake specific action to try to improved the same function of information technology (Grolier Internal Encyclopedia Vol. 2, 1995) Automation plays an increasingly important role in the global economy and in daily experience. Engineers strive to combine automated devices with mathematical and organizational tools to create complex systems for a rapidly expanding range of applications and human activities. A computerized system will allow you to make better use of your time. Why spend time typing information into a document, when you could be hosting a job search workshop ( and The De la Salle University’s ITC Systems management Office designs, develops, implements and evaluates computer- based information systems as requested by the academic and administrative units to facilitate their operations. These information systems include their enrollment system, student’s information systems and accounting system for student’s assessments. The University desires to fully computerize its processes and integrated all its information systems that are evaluated annually. Its quality policy includes the list 99.9 percent availability of computing resources, at most customer satisfaction, prompt and positive response to customer’s requests, feedback on customer’s request (http:/ The Automated Enrollment System of Samar State University aims for an accurate, user friendly, efficient system that can help both the student and personnel for fast data processing of enrollment. Engr. Hediki Hashimoto, a Japanese volunteer headed the creation and conceptualization of the system. He was assisted by the information technology faculty from the College of Engineering and Arts and Sciences. The system, which is web, based, uses PHP programming language with data stored in MySQL is run through the intranet of SSU. A dry-run for this automated enrolment was done last summer and the first semester of this school year. Offices affected with the automation were the registrar, cashier, accounting, and the Colleges of Education, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Industrial Technology, Nursing and Graduate Studies. Feedbacks from the students were formulated when the first semester started. Over 75 % of them says that the automation process of enrollment was better compared with the old system. With the good result of the dry-run  the automated enrolment system will be finally implemented this 2nd semester. Saint Louis University’s Computerized Program was envisioned by Father Ghesleen de Vos. He saw the importance of automating the academic systems particularly the accounting and registrar’s offices. His goal was to lessen the burden of handling tedious tasks that was brought about by the voluminous records processed every semester. In June 1969, Fr. De Vos’ vision became a reality with the acquisition of the IBM 1130 system. This gave birth the Saint Louis University International Business Machines Electronic Data Processing Office (http:/ Mapua Institute of Technology started its computerized operations in the collection of relevant student information in the 1960’s. During the 1997 University days of the Mapua Institute of Technology, the MIS office held a demonstration of a Windows-based prototype of an on-line enrollment system for the Deans and several Heads of Offices. The system, developed using Fox Pro for Windows, displayed various features for a faster enrolment. The first on-line enrollment system and student information system was developed and was tested on the summer of 1998 where all students gathered at the Burgos Gym for their enrollment (http:/ Context Flow Diagram The Context Diagram also includes the people and other organizations which the system communicates. It also contains the data the system produces and the data that the system receives from the external entities. The entire system is placed on the process Recording and accessing, under which several processes make up the entire Computerized Enrollment System. Figure 1, are the external entities that send or receive information from the system are included in the Context Diagram. During enrollment, the students provide their necessary data for the system to process the transaction. The system activate by supplying the needed data that will comprise the student information, payment of enrollment fees and other charges. The student’s information given by the student to the Registrar’s Office that will be stored in the system. After the student paid his obligation and receive a receipt from the Cashier. The Registrar releases the class schedule of the students with the other student’s records to have a hard copy for them. The Dean will have the record of class list. Figure 1. The Context Flow Diagram of Computerized Enrollment System Definition of Terms The following term used in this study are defined conceptually for clarity and easy understanding of the concepts. Class list. The lists of the student every subject given by the Dean of College to the Faculties. Class Schedule. The form of the student with the room and time assignment, and total assessment of the student. Requesting Class list. The Dean’s has the authority to access on the system and to have a hard copy. Printed Student’s Record. The hardcopy records of the student kept by the Registrar. Printed Student’s Record. The hardcopy records of the student kept by the Registrar. Recording and Accessing. The automated system can kept the records, monitor, and compute the assessment of the student. Registration form. The form that need to filled up by the student to have a Student’s record to the Registrar’s Office. Student’s Accounts. The assessment of the student saved also on the system. Student ID number. This number assigned on the students to retrieve their profile and accounts. Student’s Record. The records of the student saved on the system.

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